With tax season in full swing, you may feel too busy to think about anything but your job. However, you cannot spend all your time and effort taking care of your clients. Now more than ever, it is imperative that you take care of yourself.
Give your spirits a boost by reaching out to colleagues. Socialize over lunch with other tax professionals. Commiserating with others in the same boat can help relieve stress and remind you that you are not alone. You may even pick up some helpful tips for handling your workload. Professional organizations such as The United CPA Association are a great source of comradery and encouragement.
Ask for personal support. Remind your loved ones that you will be working many more hours during tax season than you ordinarily do. You may not be able to run the normal errands or attend all the usual social functions. If they understand what is happening, and that the situation is temporary, they are more likely to be supportive.
Prioritize your mental and emotional well-being. When stress is high, self-care is crucial. Get plenty of sleep, eat nutritious food, work out when you can, and include short breaks throughout your workday. Do the tasks that drain your energy while listening to cheerful, upbeat music; and stick to those tasks for less than 30 minutes at a time. Start each morning with five minutes of deep breathing or meditating; calming your mind can set the tone for a productive day.